Amerimix offers Masonry Cement Mortar Mix in Type N and S compressive strengths. Preblended for consistency, Amerimix mortars offer increased workability and yield compared to field mixed mortar. Amerimix mortars are also formulated for extended mortar board life so less retempering is required.



The AMX 400 Series

This mortar is a factory blend of Portland cement, hydrated lime and dried sand. The AMX 400 Series is specially formulated to provide high water retention, exceptional workability and superior bond strength.  At Salmon Bay both types N & S are available.  Type S is for new construction and higher PSI strength requirements for seismic considerations and Type N is for restoration work with softer older masonry units.


Polymer Modified Stone Veneer Mortar – AMX 475 PSV

A high performance, polymer modified mortar designed with superior bond strength and ability to grout artificial stone on horizontal and vertical surfaces to concrete or masonry substrates.


