Metzger Mcguire
Metzger McGuire specializes in industrial, commercial, and retail concrete floor repairs, and we know the special set of logistics that goes along with each of these types of projects. As an industry leader, we provide durable and high quality repair materials. Whether you are working on a project for the largest retailer or for a homeowner, you can rely on Metzger/McGuire to provide floor restoration solutions for all of your decorative concrete flooring needs. Salmon Bay stocks both MM 80P and Spal-Pro RS 88 and has access to all of Metzger McGuire’s product line.
MM- 80 Concrete Floor Joint Filler
MM-80 is a 100% solids, two component, heavy duty semi-rigid epoxy joint filler designed to fill and protect contraction and construction joints in industrial concrete floors. The industry’s first semi-rigid joint filler and still widely known as the “industry standard” in floor joint protection.
Spal-Pro RS 88 Concrete Floor Joint Filler
Spal-Pro RS 88 is a 100% solids, two component heavy duty, semi-rigid polyurea joint filler intended for use in filling and protecting contraction and construction joints in industrial, retail or commercial concrete floors. Developed to fill and protect joints in trafficked industrial and retail concrete floors. Its primary function is to support such traffic and protect joint edges.