Salmon Bay’s colored concrete will closely replicate the colors found on the color manufacturers color chart. Please note that the colors on the color chart are representations of colors produced under laboratory conditions, using local materials which were available to the pigment manufacturer. We cannot warrant the end color matching a printed or Web viewed color chart. Why? Because different screens on different computers, using different operating systems (such as Windows vs. Mac OS X) and even different browsers all have different color characteristics.
Salmon Bay will only warrant that the concrete it makes will meet it’s intended strength and that the color is dispersed consistently throughout the load of concrete. Salmon Bay is not responsible for the finished appearance of the concrete including the surface appearance or any discoloration. Salmon Bay doesn’t place or finish the concrete, so has no control over the finished product. The product is still in its manufactured state when it is delivered and is subject to change based on environmental factors, jobsite conditions and finishing techniques, all of which affect the outcome of the finished product. Salmon Bay will not repair or replace any colored concrete, because of discoloration, color variations or surface defects.