Protectosil® building protection products increase the life cycle of your structure by mitigating the effects of man made and natural deterioration. Lower maintenance cost, less cleaning, reduced restoration and less vandalism are a few of the benefits of Protectosil® products. Protectosil® products are spray applied using standard equipment and have been proven to last well over 20 years. Salmon Bay carries the full complement of AQUA-TRETE, CHEM-TRETE and PROTECTOSIL branded products.
Protectosil® CHEM-TRETE® BSM 400
For brick, concrete and concrete masonry buildings
Protectosil® CHEM-TRETE® BSM 400 brings you the next generation in silane technology. Our chemists have developed a pure silane that yields a water repellent with the longest service life available, unsurpassed performance on brick masonry and the lowest possible levels of volatile organic compounds.
Protectosil® AQUA-TRETE® 40
For parking and bridge decks
A clear, penetrating, waterborne, breathable water repellent for use on concrete. A ready-to-use, low-VOC silane emulsion. Reduces the ingress of water and waterborne contaminants that cause premature deterioration of the substrate. Penetrates the substrate and chemically bonds with silica to form a permanent attachment of the water repellent molecule.
Protectosil® CHEM-TRETE® 40 VOC
For brick, concrete and concrete masonry buildings
A clear, penetrating, breathable water repellent for use on exterior above-grade concrete, brick masonry, concrete masonry units and some natural stones. Penetrates the surface and bonds chemically to the substrate, resulting in permanent attachment of the water repellent molecule.
Protectosil® AQUA-TRETE® SG
This product is a clear, breathable, zero-VOC treatment for concrete, brick, concrete masonry units, tiles, EFIS, pavers, natural stone, paint and other building materials. Protectosil® AQUA-TRETE® SG is a multifunctional system that provides superior water and stain resistance and also performs as a sacrificial antigraffiti coating. The primary function of Protectosil® AQUA-TRETE® SG is to repel water- and oil based materials that cause staining.
Protectosil® CHEM-TRETE® PB VOC
For brick, concrete and concrete masonry buildings
A clear, penetrating, breathable water repellent for use on concrete, brick, concrete masonry units and some natural stones. Prevents water and waterborne contaminants from entering the substrate and causing premature deterioration. Penetrates into the substrate and chemically bonds with silica to form a permanent attachment of the water repellent molecule. Protectosil® CHEM-TRETE® PB VOC is especially suited for making porous substrates such as split-face block water repellent.